Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday morning...

So, I never did get to see New York City or Geneva for that matter, actually. I've seen the insides of the train stations, but there wasn't enough time to explore these cities. Next time. But anyway, the closest I got to New York City, was when I drove to Flushing, Queens to see my friend Melody. (Flushing is technically in New York City---but not Manhattan) Anyway, I know Melody from my home church youth group. She's now a PT in the City and just got back from this awesome trip in India where she was distributing wheelchairs with Joni Tada Erickson's organization. We had a very encouraging and lovely, albeit truncated visit before I flew off back to Vancouver. Here we are with all the lovely steam from our food. And the food is worth noting, actually. I can't seem to find this bottom dish in Vancouver despite the Asian food paradise that it truly is. This dish is literally translated as "salty soy bean milk."
If you look carefully, it looks kind of gross, but it's one of my most favorite things to eat. I love this stuff, and it's usually available for a dollar or two at a Taiwanese breakfast place. It's hot soybean milk with chopped preserved radish, with green onions, chili oil, vinegar and floating pieces of you3 tiao3 or "chinese donut." It sounds gross, but it's simply divine. This one also had bah soh (shredded pork in taiwanese) and was a bit sweet. Not the best one I had, but still very good.

Someone tells me that you can get it on the Eastside of Vancouver at some hole in the wall. The wait, I hear is 1-2 hours long. Let's go, I say!


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