Monday, August 21, 2006

plan for blog

So, if you've noticed....the subtitle of this blog is "experimental and tempermental whimsy (only until august 20-ish)," and today is August 21. This blog is ending soon. This week in fact---if technology cooperates.

So, here's my plan: I've got all these drafts lying around, I'm going to clean them up, finish posting my pictures...and appropriately backdate some of them. I've actually already been doing this. For example, check out Coffee or Bochum, Germany or I just though this was really sweet... or Florence pics. (If you're feeling obsessive or really bored or ???, click on one of the archival links to play "spot the new addition.") I know this poses some anachronistic questions and maybe threatens some real-time live blog philosophy, but the subtitle of this blog is "experimental and tempermental whimsy." I claim creative whimsical license.

Then, my last entry will be a compilation of my favorite posts grouped by subject. So, there'll be a sort of digest for people who want to read something but not everything...

So, if you're overwhelmed, check back next week and hopefully, everything will be nice and tidy. Thanks to my dear 5 blog readers for reading. You know who you are...and if you get a chance, please email me...I'd love your feedback overall.


Blogger Jackie Bolen said...

Hey, sweet blog! It's the coolest ever.

9:17 PM  

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