Thursday, July 27, 2006


The worst thing about college for me was this constant feeling of sleep
deprivation; often my first waking thought was when I could sleep next.
I was notorious for taking multiple naps throughout the day, even biking
back during the 15 minute break between classes to sleep for 10 minutes.

I don't quite feel this way right now, but I'm getting pretty close.
Our schedule is quite taxing and I am so tired. Tired...but it's been
good...and it's always interesting how certain topics will always wake
me up. I'm off to take a 20 minute nap now, and then we've got a full
afternoon. Tomorrow, we'll be in Geneva to visit UN refugee agencies,
and then I'll spend the weekend in Tubingen visiting my friend Ursula.


Blogger Jackie Bolen said...

Gracie...hope you're recoverd a bit from the crazy schedule! Thinking about you lots and can't wait to actually talk to you. Say hi to Ursula...tell her that she is the coolest and I'm for sure coming to visit someday!

10:53 PM  

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