European keyboards
Okay, perhaps this topic is getting tiresome, but I'm sitting here in the "internet cafe" of quasi-home, quasi-conference center, and I'm typing at my top speed, and thankful that this is an American keyboard. Except when I look down, I notice that many of the keys i type don't quite match their labels. So for example, I press the "z" key and I get a "y;" the quotation mark key is labeed with a "a" with an accent grave (I can't find that key on this keyboard to demonstrate!) and when you press "+" you get an exclaimation point! It's totally an American keyboard labeled in the European way...someone must have changed the settings on this keyboard. Weird, huh? Good thing I have the American keybaord pretty much memoried. Hooray for that typing class in ninth grade! But if I look down, I get all screwed up.
Last thing about keyboards for the curious: the Dutch use the US keyboard also. My Dutch host informed me that there are no special characters in Dutch.
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