Sunday, June 18, 2006

Audrey's Wedding

Yesterday, I went to Audrey's wedding. Audrey is a friend from youth group. I think the last time I saw her was 4 years ago? It's been a long time. Anyway, way back in the day...we sort of co-ruled the youth group, and made the kids do all sorts of things, like rebel against our Taiwanese youth orchestra. We kids also were expected to put on little concerts or something for the adults on holidays. I'm particularly proud of the Father's Day obstacle course that we slapped together in 24 hours....sending dads to different stations having them do things like fold fitted sheets and point out different states on a map. And that make-shift Christmas play we put together in 2 weeks....I wrote the script and made costumes, and Audrey picked out the music and did the choreography...and we told the Jesus birth story with help from several of the gospels, INXS, Erasure, U2, Three Dog Night.... Okay, not all the lyrics worked, and looking back, it probably was a bit heretical...but we didn't know any better then, and it was a lot of fun!

Audrey was also my source of New Wave music in high school. We used to make mix tapes every month. We would tape copy of a copy of a copy of a copy....needless to say, sound quality wasn't so hot, but we had to make sure each tape had at least 2 Erasure songs on it...sigh. Erasure was our favorite group back then. (I was persuaded to go to Erasure concert a few years ago in San Francisco. Very, very sad. Some things are really better left in the past. The same upbeat pop-syncronized music with depressing lyrics. Why did that epitomize me back then?)

Anyway, here she is getting married:

And here is a picture of some of my youth group at the wedding.

It was so good to see everyone! And a bit trippy to see some of these folks I haven't seen since they were like, 10....and college...or done with college? How crazy! This wedding really was like one big reunion. All these random parents coming up to us, staring at us...and saying, "Wow! You're so-and-so's kid. Etc." It was great to see everyone.

And speaking of's mine:

I was a bit unnerved last month when I realized I would be going to a wedding with my parents. I haven't done that since I was 12 or 13! But then, I got used to the idea, and really came greatly to be amused by that idea...only to have my dad ditch me right before the reception! Okay, to be fair, I ditched them first. As we got to the church my friend Melody was standing right at the entrance and I kind of just followed her....but then I hooked up with my parents again....only to be walking with my dad, Derrick and Terry to the cars when he suggested I go with them instead. Gee, thanks Dad. This photograph documents the only moment of the wedding I saw my parents. (But it was fun talking to Derrick and Terry!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANKS for the pics and the lovely memories in your post! Glad you had fun!!! It was so great to see you! Love Auj

7:24 PM  

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